Often, after updating or reinstalling Photoshop, Photoshop Pen Tool lag appears, for example, when you try to specify, increase, adjust the handlebars. This will fix the problem of a straight line. SOLUTION: “Wacom Tablet Properties”> “Pen”> “Tip Double Click Distance”> “Off” position. In a graphical application, the Wacom Pen lag shows itself as a delayed start of a stroke and then an unexpected straight line appearing? The tablet keeps drawing straight lines as the system predicts that one of the clicks will now be performed. Wacom Tablet Delayed Response in Drawing Apps SOLUTION: Start the Wacom tablet driver upload manually without restarting Windows: “Control Panel”> “Devices and Printers Device Manager”> “Human Interface Devices”> right click on “Wacom Virtual Hid Driver”> “Disable Reboot”. The Wacom driver sometimes does not update automatically, making the Wacom tablet Pen jumpy. Look though my tips and tricks to fix all available Wacom lags and optimize the device settings to save your nerves, time and money.